Search the Drama Teacher Academy

Displaying items 1761-1780 of 2310 in total

08 - Further Reading

A bibliography of sources for the assessment toolkit.

Weekly Ensemble Rubric

Rubric to assess, on a weekly basis, the students' performance on 'saying yes', 'being safe', and 'journalling' - to use as a participation rubric or journal assessment.

New Drama Teacher Toolkit

In this toolkit you’ll find exercises, activities, and information that will help you get you through your first days, build your classroom management skills, and articulate the importance of your program.

Leslie Infalt at the Broadway Teachers Workshop

Join Lindsay Price as she speaks to DTA member Leslie Infalt, one of the winners of the DTA Travel Scholarship in 2017, about her experience at the Broadway Teachers Workshop in New York city.

Class Routines - Warm-up Sequence

Use this warm-up sequence with your students as they prepare for class. The teacher or student leader leads the sequence by calling out the name of the exercise.

Poster: The Benefits of Drama

Poster for the classroom outlining the ways in which drama can benefit students outside the classroom.

00 - New Drama Teacher Toolkit

The New Drama Teacher toolkit has links and resources to help you with your first year in the drama classroom.

06 - Classroom Materials

Posters for your classroom, and scenes for classroom study.

Traditional Dramatic Structure

This handout explains traditional dramatic structure and includes a visual guide.
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