Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company

The Drama Teacher Learning Centre

Toot Toot Tuesday

A Picture Perfect Production: Somewhere, Nowhere
A Picture Perfect Production: Somewhere, Nowhere
A Cross-Curricular Celebration: The Comedy of Errors
A Cross-Curricular Celebration: The Comedy of Errors
Strength and Success in Numbers: The Super Non-Heroes
Strength and Success in Numbers: The Super Non-Heroes
Time is ticking… One Hundred Lies
Time is ticking… One Hundred Lies
Student Director Insights & Interpretations: Pressure
Student Director Insights & Interpretations: Pressure
A Relevant and Meaningful Social Message: darklight
A Relevant and Meaningful Social Message: darklight
Embracing the beauty of non-comformity: They Eat Sunshine, Not Zebras
Embracing the beauty of non-comformity: They Eat Sunshine, Not Zebras
A Loud and Clear Message of Hope: darklight
A Loud and Clear Message of Hope: darklight
A Cross-Curricular Comedy: Football Romeo
A Cross-Curricular Comedy: Football Romeo
Power of Perception: Discovering Rogue
Power of Perception: Discovering Rogue
Strong Subject, Stronger Performance: Clowns With Guns
Strong Subject, Stronger Performance: Clowns With Guns
A Magical Winter for All Ages: Strawberries in Winter
A Magical Winter for All Ages: Strawberries in Winter
A Unique Audition Experience: Hoodie
A Unique Audition Experience: Hoodie
Plenty of Poe: Shuddersome: Tales of Poe
Plenty of Poe: Shuddersome: Tales of Poe
Fantastic Flexible Fun: The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair
Fantastic Flexible Fun: The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair
A Deep-Dive into Characterization: The Hope and Heartache Diner
A Deep-Dive into Characterization: The Hope and Heartache Diner
Three puddings in a pool: The Merrie Christmas Show
Three puddings in a pool: The Merrie Christmas Show
Character, Character, Character: Humbug High
Character, Character, Character: Humbug High
Simple Set, Strong Message: Box
Simple Set, Strong Message: Box
Creativity, Chorus Work… and Cancer: Chemo Girl
Creativity, Chorus Work… and Cancer: Chemo Girl

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Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company
Theatrefolk is the Drama Teacher Resource Company. We are your one stop shop for Plays, Resources, and Curriculum Support - all specifically designed for High School and Middle School drama teachers.
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