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Displaying items 481-500 of 2310 in total

Monologue Prep: Audition Set-Up

by Lindsay Price

Students will continue their journey toward the Mock Audition by exploring what they can do to prepare their monologue. They will practice their monologue and talk about dealing with nerves. This is the final lesson before the Mock Audition - you will review the audition procedure with the class and students will sign up for their audition slot.

The Mock Audition

by Lindsay Price

Today is the Mock Audition. In this lesson, you will play director and audition students for one of four roles in the play ‘Jealousy Jane.’ Use the Monologue Performance Rubric to assess their performance.

After the Audition

by Lindsay Price

How did students feel about their audition? Did they get a part? What is their response if they didn’t? This wrap up lesson allows students to unpack their experience with this unit and participate in a final reflection. This is not a full class lesson.

Emergency Lesson Plan: Compare and Contrast (Ancient Greek)

by Lindsay Price

In this ELP, students will read and discuss a scene from an Ancient Greek theatrical text and a modern adaptation of that text: The Libation Bearers by Aeschylus (translated by H.W. Smyth) and The Exile and the Onion Girl by Lindsay Price.

Introduction to Monologue Writing

by Matthew Banaszynski

Students will start the process of writing a monologue by storytelling. They will tell a story based only on what they observe in a picture.

The Story Mountain Framework

by Matthew Banaszynski

Students will understand the parts of a story and how it relates to a monologue through the story mountain framework.

Analyzing Monologues

by Matthew Banaszynski

Students will plot out the steps of the story mountain by using existing monologues.

Monologue Writing

by Matthew Banaszynski

Students will start writing their own monologue, using a pre-selected phrase as a starting point.

Drafting a Monologue

by Matthew Banaszynski

Using their rough drafts from the starter prompts, students will work in pairs to edit their drafts to make cleaner stories. Students will also map out their drafts on a Story Mountain diagram to make sure that they follow the proper format.

More Minds Are Better Than One

by Matthew Banaszynski

Students will work in groups to turn their previous drafts into completed monologues.

Performing a Monologue

by Matthew Banaszynski

Students will perform their monologues in front of the class and reflect on the process.

Emergency Lesson Plan: Compare and Contrast (Shakespeare)

by Lindsay Price

In this ELP, students will read and discuss a scene from the Shakespeare Play Much Ado About Nothing and a modern adaptation of that text - Much Ado High School by Lindsay Price.


by Anna Porter

Students will learn the importance of articulation, how to identify the articulators in their mouth, and how to use good articulation when speaking.

Vocal Variety

by Anna Porter

Students will learn how to use vocal variety to communicate. Students will learn how to identify and apply Pitch, Tone, Rate, and Volume in performance.

Puppet Project

by Anna Porter

Students will create a character and design a puppet for performance.


by Jenny Goodfellow

Through a PuppetQuest, students will learn about the different types and origins of puppetry.

Shadow Hand Puppets

by Jenny Goodfellow

One of easiest and earliest forms of puppetry, students will learn to create shadow puppets using just their hands. After they have practiced their creations, they will create a group/partner scene using the shadow puppets.

Shadow Puppet Cut-Outs

by Jenny Goodfellow

Students learn how shapes create interesting dynamics in shadow puppets. Students will have a packet of shadow puppet cut-outs. These cut-outs include animals that can be attached to a popsicle stick. In groups/partners, students will use the cut-outs in the packet to create a scene. They will also create an original cut-out.

Finger Puppets

by Jenny Goodfellow

If you have the resources, purchase finger puppets for this lesson. It can also be easily done with drawn faces on index fingers, or faces on popsicle sticks. Using well known fairy tales like “Little Red Riding Hood” or “The Three Little Pigs,” students will retell these stories from a different perspective, using their finger puppet.

Create and Character/Object Puppets

by Jenny Goodfellow

Students will bring in an object that they can turn into a puppet. Using the object puppet, students will create an original character and establish movement patterns and character voice. Character Worksheet and Practice Sheets are included, to perform their original puppet characters.
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