Search the Drama Teacher Academy

Displaying items 1341-1360 of 2310 in total

Technical Theatre

Hosted by Matt Webster and Karen Loftus

If you struggle with tech or want to share your ideas for teaching tech, this is the event for you. Hosted by DTA Instructors Matt Webster and Karen Loftus. Recorded July 23, 2015

School Startup - Session One

Hosted by Karen Loftus, Matt Webster, and Jennine Profeta

Learn about the most important things for the first week of school - from ice breaker games, to classroom procedures, to setting the tone from Day 1. Watch this replay to learn tips and tricks to start your school year off on the right foot! Hosted by DTA instructors Karen Loftus, Lindsay Price, Jennine Profeta, and Matt Webster. Recorded on August 14th, 2015 at 2pm.

School Startup - Session Two

Hosted by Matt Webster and Todd Espeland

Get your students to say "YES" Tips for getting your classes started on the right foot by getting buy-in from your students. Learn how to start small, the importance of scaffolding, and some great first-week of school games to get your students engaged. Hosted by DTA instructors Todd Espeland and Matt Webster. Recorded on August 14, 2015 at 8pm.

Tech Hacks: Tips and tricks to make your production a technical success!

Hosted by Matt Webster and Holly Beardsley

Technical Theatre Tips Tips for set design, costuming, lighting, and more! Dealing with small budgets, overcoming obstacles, and making the most of what you have. BONUS material at the end of the PLC! Hosted by DTA instructors Holly Beardsley, Matt Webster, and Lindsay Price. Recorded on September 15, 2015 at 8pm.

Curriculum 911

Hosted by Matt Webster and Karen Loftus

Curriculum 911 Curriculum planning help for drama teachers - lesson planning, how to integrate cross-curricular activities, resources, and more! Hosted by DTA instructors Matt Webster, Karen Loftus, and Lindsay Price. Recorded on October 6, 2015 at 8pm.

Rock your next Rehearsal

Hosted by Matt Webster & Jeremy Bishop

Your rehearsal questions and challenges addressed! Hosted by DTA instructors Matt Webster and Lindsay Price, and special guest - DTA member and teacher Jeremy Bishop. Recorded on October 20, 2015 at 8pm.


Hosted by Matt Webster, Karen Loftus, Heather Brandon

Getting ready for competition - from teachers who've been there! How to make it a fun, engaging, and productive experience for you and your students, no matter what the 'score'. Hosted by DTA instructors Matt Webster, Karen Loftus, DTA member Heather Brandon, and Lindsay Price. Recorded on November 10, 2015 at 8pm

Theatre as a Social Voice

Hosted by Joe Norton

Joe Norton leads the workshop "Theatre as a Social Voice" with our guests, and gives examples from his experience leading this workshop with students. There are lots of great questions asked and discussion starters that you can bring into your classroom or theatre program. Hosted by Joe Norton, joined by Billy Houck, Christian Kiley, Karen Loftus, Lindsay Price, and Christa Vogt. Recorded on December 15, 2015 at 8pm


Hosted by Matt Webster, Roxane Caravan, Tricia Oliver

Our host and panel discuss budgets, production options, student/parent contracts, and the tips that make staging a musical worthwhile. Hosted by Matt Webster, joined by Tricia Oliver, Roxane Caravan, and Lindsay Price. Recorded on January 12, 2016 at 8pm


Hosted by Matt Webster

What makes us reluctant or afraid to fundraise? How can we involve the students, community, and reach beyond to get resources for our programs? Listen in to find out and hear some great ideas from our hosts and participants! The discussion is led by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, and Kristin Caraway. Recorded February 1, 2016.


Hosted by Matt Webster, Gai Jones, and Carolyn Greer

How do you advocate for yourself and your theatre program? Listen in to find out and hear some great ideas from our hosts and participants! The discussion is led by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Gai Jones, and Carolyn Greer. Recorded February 16, 2016.

Musicals: Rehearsals

Hosted by Matt Webster

You've got the rights, the music, the script... now where do you start with your student actors? Learn from Matt Webster, Craig Mason, Cindy Sams and Tricia Oliver as they lead you through how to get rehearsals started and the process up to opening night. Recorded on March 8, 2016.

Engaging the Non-Theatre Student

Hosted by Matt Webster, Matt Banaszynski, and Lea Marshall

Learn from our guest panel how to engage even the most reluctant "non-theatre" student. Matt Webster hosts, joined by Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, and Matt Banaszynski. Recorded on March 22, 2016.

Production Pitfalls

Hosted by Matt Webster, Jeremy Bishop, and Heather Brandon

Production Pitfalls. We all know about how much fun the ups are, but how do we deal with the downs when we’re producing a play? What production pitfalls do YOU need help with? What was your biggest production-related frustration this year? The discussion is led by Matt Webster, one of our awesome DTA instructors. Joining us are two DTA members: Jeremy Bishop and Heather Brandon. Recorded June 25, 2015


Hosted by Matt Webster, Jeremy Bishop, and Heather Brandon

A recording of our live online PLC just for DTA members How do you get get commitment (from students, parents, and administration) in order to make your program the best it can be? The discussion is led by Matt Webster, one of our awesome DTA instructors. Joining us are two DTA members: Jeremy Bishop and Heather Brandon. Recorded July 9, 2015

Staging Scenes in the Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Shelby Steege, Jeremy Bishop

Best practices for staging scenes in the drama classroom.

Office Hours with Drama Educators

Hosted by Matt Webster, Jennine Profeta, Karen Loftus, Kellie Riganti

It’s Q&A time. We’ve got experienced educators in improv, ensemble building, classroom management, playwriting, production, stage management and the day-to-day running of a drama classroom. Bring your questions and we’ll answer them together.

Let's get physical

Hosted by Matt Webster, Allison Williams

Join us for tips and tricks on getting your students to make bold physical choices in their work.

Theatre as a dumping ground

Hosted by Matt Webster, Claire Broome, Christian Kiley, Lindsay Price

Are your theatre classes a “dumping ground”? Some kids choose your class but others are placed there by admin or counsellors? Join us for a chat about a) how to manage classes like these and b) how to prevent your classroom from becoming a dumping ground.
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