Search the Drama Teacher Academy

Displaying items 1401-1420 of 2310 in total

Interpreting Adjudicators

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Gai Jones

Taking a show to competition is always a roller coaster ride. But the highs and lows of performance don't stop when the curtain comes down: You still have to unravel the adjudicators comments and find a way to make them meaningful to your students! Join us for a talk about talkbacks, and learn to interpret that special language we call "Adjudication".

School Year End Postmortem

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Christa Vogt

Another school year comes to an end and that means it's time for the annual house cleaning we call a Postmortem. Why do a Postmortem? Because - The past is prologue and the future is closer than you think! Join us as we talk about the good and the bad, the do's and the don'ts, of this last year. We'll do it with a handle on the past and an eye to the future.

Seeking Inspiration

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Amy Patel, Jessica Fagerstrom

Summer is in full swing and we would all like to recharge our batteries for the coming school year. Everyone could use some inspiration to prepare for a successful new year, but where do we look? Conferences? The library? Broadway? The possibilities are as varied as our free time and budget, so put on your summer yoga pants and jump into this conversation about finding inspiration, both artistic and academic, that will propel you into a new year.

School Startup

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Tricia Oliver, Jeremy Bishop

Summer is winding down and a new year is gearing up! With the start of a new school year comes the annual check lists of Must Do, Should Do and Want to Do. Deciding what goes in each list will create the structure and set the tone for your entire year. Join us for a conversation, and preliminary planning session, that will list the lists and bring focus to the coming months.

Admin & Advocacy

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Shelby Steege, Claire Broome

You have worked hard to build a quality program that excites students and benefits the community. But somehow, your great accomplishments are hardly ever noticed by your administration. Why does that happen? And what can you do to change it?! In this PLC we tackle the question: "How do advocate for your program and be as visible as possible to your admin?" Join us, and finally be noticed!

Rehearsal Ruts

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus, Jessica Fagerstrom

We are heading deep into rehearsal season and you can already feel the monotony starting to build: Rehearse, Review, Repeat. Rehearse, Review, Repeat. You are falling into a Rehearsal Rut. Never fear! We have just the conversation to shake up your routine and give your rehearsals a much needed shot in the arm. Get on board and get out of that rut!


Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lindsay Johnson, Shelby Steege

Assessing students is always a challenge, but in the Drama classroom it's a challenge on top of a challenge! We assess knowledge, of course, but we also assess commitment, skill and performance. Assessment is fundamental to education, but the how and why of assessment differs from classroom to classroom, and lesson to lesson. Join us as we navigate the twists and turns of Assessment in the Drama Classroom.


Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Jessica Fagerstrom

There's no getting around it: Running a Drama program costs money! Besides a never-ending need for props, costumes and scenery, we also spend money on scripts, rights and travel to contests and festivals. It's enough to break the bank! As much as we may hate the thought of fundraising, sometimes it's the only way to keep a programs afloat. That's why this PLC is dedicated to the art, craft and strategy of raising funds. So break out your receipt book and join the conversation!

Classroom Management

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Maria Smith, Claire Broome

We are halfway through the school year and it is time to assess which classroom management strategies are working, and which ones should be left in the rear view mirror. When classroom discipline has been less than ideal, the new year is a great time to hit the reset button. With a new semester comes new opportunities to fine tune your classroom management and get your classes ship shape. If your students are driving you crazy, this is the PLC for you!

Social Media

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Stephanie Anderson, Lea Marshall

The days of putting up a poster in the hallway and expecting people to see it are long gone. People aren't looking at posters, they are looking at social media! Students are looking at their phones, parents are checking the theatre program Facebook page, and the public is looking for show information on the school website. No doubt about it: If you are going to reach people in the 21st century, you are going to have to do it electronically! So join us as we put together a panel of social media savvy theatre types and discuss Social Media as the number one communication tool.

Middle School Matters!

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lindsay Johnson, Marisa Brady

Middle School theatre teachers are a special breed. Their highs are higher, their lows are lower, and the drama in their classroom is much more dramatic! But for all of that, middle school drama teachers don't typically get the respect and attention they deserve. Well we have something to say about that! That's right, we are dedicating this PLC to the trials, tribulations and triumphs that can only be found in a Middle School Drama classroom. Join in as we talk about the bravest, the craziest, the awesomest teachers in the whole school: Middle School Drama Teachers! Because Middle School Matters...

Looking Ahead to the New Year

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Shelby Steege

This coming school year will be, in a word, unprecedented. It doesn't matter if you are a 30 year veteran or a brand new college grad, teachers have never faced the kinds of challenges that await them when classes start in the fall: Will classes be in person? What will our curriculum look like? Are productions possible? How do we keep our students safe? How do we keep OURSELVES safe? We don't know what this new year will look like, but we know one thing - Teachers will figure it out! We are going to roll up our sleeves, put on our thinking caps, and tap into our unlimited creativity to come up with a plan for ourselves, our students and our programs. Set a reminder in your calendar because you don't want to miss this PLC!

Distance Learning

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Bekah Schneider, Christa Vogt

Theatre is an art form designed to bring people together. But what do you do when you can’t teach your students face-to-face? Whether it is a family vacation, unexpected emergency or natural disaster, there will be times when you will need to teach your students from a distance. You will need to engage your students in Distance Learning. But distance learning comes with its own set of challenges: Do you have the right materials? Do you have the right technology? Do your students? Join us for a crash course discussion about the strategies and challenges associated with Distance Learning.

Distance Learning: Playwriting

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price

Playwriting is an easy to adapt activity for distance learning. But there are still some obstacles: how do you deal with writing insecurity? How do you handle peer feedback? How do you present work digitally? Playwright Lindsay Price will take you through exercises and a game plan for incorporating playwriting into your distance learning framework.

Distance Learning: Check In

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus, Bekah Schneider

As many teachers take on a new and unexpected challenge of teaching remotely, we will take this PLC to check in, share tips and tricks, and offer support to each other.

Distance Learning: Monologue Writing

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price

Monologue writing is an activity that is easily adaptable for distance learning. It’s also something that students can do without technology. Join us for a walk through a "no internet necessary" monologue writing project with added video conferencing options.

Distance Learning: Check In

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

As many teachers take on a new and unexpected challenge of teaching remotely, we will take this PLC to check in, share tips and tricks, and offer support to each other.

Adapting a DTA course for Distance Learning

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Steven Stack

As we face the prospect of not seeing our students again for the rest of the year, it is time to start thinking about how to retool traditional lessons for distance learning classrooms. For this PLC we'll be talking to Steven Stack, author of the DTA course The Empathetic Classroom to answer the question: How do you adapt something that was made for classroom instruction, into something suitable for distance learning? Check in for our tips and ideas!

Self-Care and Wellness

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Gai Jones

Right now teachers are being stretched thin. In this crisis they are expected to be counsellors, curriculum developers, IT specialists, cheerleaders and everything else their students need. Not to mention all the hats they wear at home for their own families. Teachers are taking care of everyone, but who is taking care of them! When you talk about caring for teachers, you need to start with self care. Because you can't take care of everyone else unless you first take care of yourself. So take a break, put on your favorite yoga pants, and join us for an energizing discussion on Self Care and Wellness.

Virtual Performances

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Christa Vogt

The closing of schools forced a lot of teachers to move their productions online or to an alternative performance model. This shift to virtual performances challenged directors with a whole new set of questions: Does the show have to be live streamed? Can I capture the performance? Is there a way to design lights and sound online? What about costumes? What about radio plays? How do I edit my virtual performance? So many questions! That's why we have dedicated an entire PLC to the ins and outs of virtual performances. We will talk with teachers who have successfully navigated these uncharted waters and learn the tricks and tips that will make your online production shine!
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