Search the Drama Teacher Academy

Displaying items 1421-1440 of 2310 in total

Distance Learning: Check In 3

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Karen Loftus

Ready or not, the new school year started. And what a start! We were confronted with a mind-boggling array of unknowns and tackled them with a mix of trepidation and creative moxie. Because as drama teachers, that's what we do: We solve problems. And then we share our brilliant solutions with our fellow drama teachers because it takes a village. And we are Village DTA! We are here to help because when one of us succeeds, ALL of us succeed. So join the village for a start-of-year "check-in" where we will talk to drama teachers about the struggles and solutions they have faced so far.

Distance Learning: Check In 4

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Shelby Steege, Claire Broome

Mid-September and the school year start has been like no other. Whether you're teaching at a 'social distance', mask on, or you've got a hybrid situation, or you're fully remote, we are all in this together. Checking in with our panellists and fellow teachers is a great way to ground yourself, to get those affirmations that we're all doing the best we can, and to share the struggles with people who really 'get it'. Join us to check in on the school year so far.

Online Rehearsal Strategies

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Gai Jones, Quincy Young

Theatre teachers and their students are ready and eager to rehearse their fall shows. There's just one problem: How do you have a rehearsal when nobody is in the same room?? Holding a virtual rehearsal raises a lot of questions - Should the entire cast be called? Are warm ups really necessary? Can your stage manager work in virtual break- out rooms with small groups? And what time of day (or night) might work best for maximum involvement? It's a whole new world of rehearsal, so we will explore these and other pressing questions in this vital PLC.

Marketing Your Virtual Performance

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lauren Carr, Miguel Zavala

This school year started with theatre teachers around the world determined to produce a show with their students - And after weeks of learning new performance platforms, and jumping through new copyright hoops, those shows are finally ready! But will anyone be watching? How do you market a production when both the performers AND audience are virtual? Can you actually expand your audience? And what about tickets?? We will tackle these, and many other questions when we dedicate this PLC to Marketing Your Virtual Performance.

Engaging with Your No Camera and Camera-Shy Students

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus

The drama classroom is all about connection and engagement. How do you connect to students who do not feel comfortable turning on their cameras in a virtual classroom? Theatre Educator Karen Loftus has been working with no camera students and shares her insights.

Self Care for the Holidays

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

As we reach the halfway point of what can arguably be called the most challenging school year ever, now would be a good time to take a little time to reassess the situation and recharge our batteries. We have expended a lot of mental and physical energy since the start of school, and if we have any hopes of crossing the finish line with our students we are going to need to make sure we have something in the tank. That's why this PLC is going to focus on Self Care. Join us to talk about ways to refocus and refuel before starting the second half of the year. Remember: In order to help someone else you have to start by helping yourself!

Classroom Management in the Digital Era

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Allison Green

Checklist for teaching in the digital era: Technology Training - Check! Lesson Planning - Check! Classroom Management - Ummm...? Of all the teaching fundamentals that need reassessment in the digital era, classroom management might be the hardest to get your head around. Do you have to follow school rules when no one is at school? How do you discipline students who are sitting at home? Can you have classroom management without an actual classroom?? Join us for a discussion of how to manage your virtual classroom in the real world.

Bringing Black History into the Theatre Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Kimberly Thompson, Quincy Young

Now more than ever, theatre are teachers looking for ways to expand their history curriculum to include BIPOC issues and cultural awareness. Many theatre teachers are looking to include more diverse history materials to enrich discussions with their students. That's why we want to invite you to a PLC where we explore content and share ideas that will help you bring Black History into your theatre classroom. Join us for this insightful and exciting conversation!

Check In

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Christian Kiley

We are halfway through the spring semester with the starting gun a distant memory and the finish line not yet in sight. But the marathon goes on. What better time to check in on each other and see how we all are holding up! Join us for this PLC check-in to get the fresh ideas, collegial commiseration and positive feedback that just might get you to the end of the race.

Virtual Assessment

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

As we approach the end of another difficult year, we face one last hurdle before we wrap up our classes with a little bow: Assessment! Assessment in the Drama classroom can be hard enough, but assessment in a VIRTUAL Drama classroom can present some real challenges. How do we fairly assess students who we may never have seen in person? Or started virtually and then went hybrid? Or a "half and half" class? There has to be a way to give honest, useful, feedback to ALL of our students, isn't there? Join us for this PLC and find out...

Let it Go - Planning Curriculum 'Less is More'

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Claire Broome

One of the more valuable lessons that we learned during the pandemic was that "Less is More" when it comes to our curriculum. We found that even though we didn't cover as much material, we were able to cover that material in much greater depth. This led to students taking a deeper dive into materials that normally they might skim across. And that, in turn, led to a better understanding of materials. So...Wait, we cut down on our curriculum and increased learning? How did that happen?! Join us in this PLC where we will discuss a "Less is More" approach to your curriculum and find out!

Building Relationships in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Amy Patel, Allison Green

Teachers recognize the fact that the past year has challenged relationships across the board: Teacher/Student, Student/Student, Teacher/Parent and more. In order for our classes to function properly, we need those relationships to be authentic and healthy. Teachers will need to integrate relationship building into their plans for the new year, both on stage and off. That's why this PLC will focus on building relationships. Join us as we talk about how to cultivate and maintain healthy relationships in a "traditional" school setting.

Social Emotional Learning

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

Of all the learning categories that have been affected by the shift to remote education, the most consequential would have to be Social and Emotional Learning. Students around the world have been isolated from teachers and peers alike for months on end, and the result is an entire generation that needs help rebuilding their social skills and recognizing their emotional needs. Thankfully, there is no better place to teach these skills than the drama classroom. Join us for a PLC where we discuss the fact that Theatre teachers are uniquely positioned to help students both explore their emotions AND re-build relationships.

Pacing in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lindsay Johnson, Shelby Steege

Pacing is one of the invisible hands of good teaching. Pacing impacts your classroom from curriculum planning to classroom management, but it isn't always easy to identify when pacing issues arise. Should you speed up? Should you slow down? Most importantly, what do your STUDENTS need? Jump into this PLC and keep pace with us as we explore Pacing in the Drama Classroom.

Using Empathy in the Drama Classroom: Empathy 2.0 with Steven Stack

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Steven Stack

If you have used The Empathetic Classroom or The Empathy Project or you're just looking for a way to approach what everyone has dealt with this past year and a half, join this discussion with Steven Stack. Steven's new DTA course Empathy 2.0 looks at empathy through the lens of what's now: how can students embrace their own and others' narratives and scars? How do we create a stronger classroom community? How do we learn to play again?  Steven will share activities and exercises in the course that you can take directly into the drama classroom.

Impowerment Improv

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Jennine Profeta

This PLC was run in 2 parts - an introduction to the course, and then an interactive workshop with Jennine for up to 15 participants. Jennine Profeta is DTA's go to resource for Improv in the drama classroom. Her latest DTA Professional Development course Impowerment Improv is designed to give teachers a framework in which they can use improv to develop real world social and emotional skills; taking risks, embracing failure, confidence, and word choice awareness.  Learn about the course and the tools provided.

Impowerment Improv

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Jennine Profeta

This PLC will be in 2 parts - an introduction to the course, and then an interactive workshop with Jennine for up to 15 participants. Jennine Profeta is DTA's go to resource for Improv in the drama classroom. Her latest DTA Professional Development course Impowerment Improv is designed to give teachers a framework in which they can use improv to develop real world social and emotional skills; taking risks, embracing failure, confidence, and word choice awareness. Learn about the course, and then join Jennine in this workshop as she personally takes you through the exercises for the course and shows you how improv is an excellent "Impowerment" tool that will help students beyond the classroom.

Power Dynamics in Rehearsal

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Nicole Perry

This PLC will be in 2 parts - an introduction to the topic with Nicole Perry, and then an interactive workshop for up to 10 participants. As teachers and directors, we can lean on the power of those roles in our classrooms and rehearsal rooms. However, power doesn't always foster creativity. In this interactive workshop led by Nicole Perry, we will learn ways you may be accessing power and ways you as a teacher or director might disrupt those patterns to create more consent-based, collaborative spaces.

Joy Jam

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall, Shelby Steege

As the first half of this school year comes to a close, we think there is a lot to celebrate: Schools are open, students are collaborating, shows are being performed. We have heard a lot of great stories from teachers who are sharing their joy at being back with their students and we thought, "We can all use more joy...Let's Jam!"  We are happy to announce the first DTA/PLC Joy Jam! We are inviting all members to join us in an evening of cheerful conversations, collegiate collaboration and a celebration of celebrating. This PLC will include breakout rooms for teachers to informally connect, celebrate success, and collaborate. We hope you'll join us!

The Adult in the Room - Understanding your relationship to your students

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price

New Drama teachers put a lot of thought into their relationship with their students as a way to build a successful classroom. They don't, however, put as much thought into their relationship to their students. Yet that relationship is the cornerstone of successful teaching. Join us for an interactive conversation about how to define your relationship to your students as you build your relationship with your students. New teachers, and teachers who are new to teaching Drama, are especially invited to this workshop that will focus on relationship building in the Drama Classroom.
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