Search the Drama Teacher Academy

Displaying items 1441-1460 of 2310 in total

How to Execute the Empathy Project in your Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Shelby Steege

As teachers return to their classrooms, they are desperate to rebuild the collaborative and supportive environments that are so vital to a well functioning Drama class.  Thankfully, there is a resource in the DTA created just for such a task. The Empathy Project is one of the most popular resources in the entire DTA library. Based off the Empathetic Classroom course by Steven Stack, the project focuses on these essential questions:   • How can theatre evoke empathy?  • How can we apply empathy outside the drama classroom?  Join teachers who have used, adapted, and successfully led the Empathy Project with their students, and add this powerful tool to your classroom management toolkit.

How to Mount a Production during a Pandemic

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Amy Patel, Jessica McGettrick

Getting a production to the stage is hard enough. Mounting that production in a school setting is even more difficult. And adding the challenges and unpredictability of an ongoing pandemic into the production mix can make it all feel impossible.  But - The show must go on! - and Theatre teachers around the world have rewritten the rules of production in order to get the audience in and the curtain up. In this PLC, teachers will share their tips and tricks to mounting a successful live production under pandemic conditions.

How to Execute the Dilemma Project in your Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome

The Dilemma Project is based on a situation that requires a decision: push a button and get a great reward, but there’s also a great consequence. Don’t push the button and there’s no reward.  Claire Broome, author of this project, has been a drama teacher for 20 years and has used this project for 15 out of those 20 years. The Dilemma Project has students meet the following objectives: • To develop a character • To develop an understanding of acting theory and various tools • To write and perform a script  Join Claire Broome as she takes you through how to execute the Dilemma Project, and be ready to add this creative tool to your curriculum.

What We Learned: There is No Normal

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Jane McEneaney, Jeremy Bishop

In the depths of the pandemic, teachers dreamed of a time when they could just go back to "normal".  As the virus slowly released its grip, many teachers joyfully returned to the classroom only to be perplexed, flustered and frustrated to find that "normal" was nowhere to be found!  Teaching and learning changed in the two-plus years of distance learning and instability.  What changed in those years? Can we ever get back to "normal" again?  Does normal even exist anymore?   Join us in this PLC as we look back - and look forward - searching for a new normal.

Curriculum Planning

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Karen Loftus, Lindsay Johnson

Ah, mid summer! The past school year is a speck in the rear view mirror and the new school year isn't quite in view yet.  This little oasis of sanity is a great time to contemplate your curriculum and, as the old saying goes, "Adapt, Adjust and Improve".  What worked? What didn't work? What have you always wanted to teach, but never had the time to include?  The best time to plan your curriculum is when you are not in the middle of teaching it! Join us for a laid back, thoughtful discussion about curriculum planning. We will have the authors of the Drama One (Karen Loftus) and the Middle School (Lindsay Johnson) curriculums on the panel, to help with your planning and answer questions about these popular resources in the DTA.

Back to School

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

The start of school is just around the corner, (in fact, some of you have already turned that corner!) and it's time to get serious about "Back to School" preparations.  Is your classroom ready? Is your curriculum in order? Do you have the supplies you need? The classroom materials? Scripts? Journal Prompts? Warm ups??  ...Anxiety?!? It's okay! Take a deep breath and relax.  We have tons of tools, techniques and materials for Drama teachers, whether this is your first year, or 50th. In fact, we have so much useful material we are going to dedicate this entire PLC to getting you what you need from the DTA.  It will be like Christmas in August...Join us!

Social Emotional Learning in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt

A new school year has begun, and the importance of Social Emotional Learning has never been greater.  With everything that has been going on in the world, teachers and students alike are navigating a very different school environment, and Social Emotional Learning could be the key to establishing a healthy, high-functioning classroom this year.  Join us for an exploration of SEL from concepts to curriculum and everything in between!

Classroom Management Tune-Up

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Gai Jones

The school year is up and running, and so are your students!  Should they be? Classes are settling into routines and this is a good time to review your classroom management strategies and change whatever isn't working. Don't know how to start?  Easy!  Start by joining us in this PLC dedicated to tuning up your classroom management plan.

Advocacy with your Admin

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Amy Patel, Christa Vogt

Your program is doing great things: Skills are being learned! Shows are being staged!  Students are brimming with confidence! Your administrators should be singing your praises to the rooftops! There's just one problem - Your admin has no idea what is going on in your classroom.  It's hard to get your administrations to advocate for your program when you can't tell them what they are advocating for.  This PLC will focus on how to highlight the work you are doing in your classroom in order to get the attention and respect of your admin.

Putting Up Your First Musical

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jeremy Bishop, Jessica McGettrick

Musicals!  There's nothing like them.  Especially if you have never done one before...  Musicals aren't like "regular" theatre - they are so much more: More planning, more performers, more crew, more time, more money...more, more, more!!  It's enough to give a new teacher nightmares - When do you start? How do you organize? Who do you cast? WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS...??   Take a deep breath, relax, and join us for an in depth conversation about the nuts and bolts of producing your first musical.  

Celebrating Your Theatre Program

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

March is Theatre in our Schools month, and we think that is worth celebrating. Why, just look at some of the benefits a theatre program brings to a school and community - Improved test scores, community outreach, growing student self confidence, focused Social Emotional Learning and increasing empathy...and that's just the beginning! Theatre programs (and the people who run them) deserve to be celebrated for the valuable educational services they provide. So join us for this PLC as we celebrate all things Theatre!

People Like Us: Teaching Strategies for Students with Disabilities

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Kirsti Lewis, Kristi Brown, Lauren Modawell

Join the creators of People Like Us, and learn more about Teaching Strategies for Students with Disabilities. We know many teachers are looking for step-by-step guidance and practical resources so you can leverage the power of the performing arts in your classroom. Nontraditional and kinesthetic methods, like those in the performing arts, provide more robust educational opportunities for students of all abilities. Learn more from these experts and find out about an upcoming opportunity as a DTA member, to engage in online learning with this leading organization.

Classroom Management with Social Emotional Learning - Session One

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Lea Marshall

If you talk to teachers these days, the same topic pops up over and over: Post pandemic classroom management.  It doesn't matter if they are a highly experienced educator or fresh out of their student teaching, they all say the same thing - the vibe in the classroom has changed.  Teachers say they need new tools in their classrooms to address these changes, so in this PLC we are going to break out the best tool in the toolkit: Social Emotional Learning (SEL).  Join us for a timely conversation about how you can use SEL in your classroom to reset your students and improve your classroom management.

Classroom Management with Social Emotional Learning - Session Two

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Christa Vogt, Shelby Steege

If you talk to teachers these days, the same topic pops up over and over: Post pandemic classroom management.  It doesn't matter if they are a highly experienced educator or fresh out of their student teaching, they all say the same thing - the vibe in the classroom has changed.  Teachers say they need new tools in their classrooms to address these changes, so in this PLC we are going to break out the best tool in the toolkit: Social Emotional Learning (SEL).  Join us for a timely conversation about how you can use SEL in your classroom to reset your students and improve your classroom management.

Navigating Personal Challenges

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Lea Marshall

Teachers are people. And people face challenges. Challenges like family illnesses, relationship crises, financial worry, and so much more. What is a teacher to do when a personal crisis hits?  Teachers are expected to navigate personal challenges, yet still effectively teach their classes. That means teachers try to keep these challenges from spilling into the classroom - but can they? Should they? Join our panel for an in-depth discussion on navigating personal challenges as a teacher. 

Theatre History

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Wendy-Marie Martin

Theatre History should be a part of every drama curriculum. But with all the plays and dates and people and places how do you avoid a month of textbooks, tests, and learning by rote? How do you make theatre history come alive in your classroom? Can you make it active? Can you make it fun? Join us for this discussion on bringing the past to life in the present.

Setting up your classroom for the year

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Lea Marshall, Maria Smith

Summer has flown by and any day now your students will be coming through the door. Are you ready for them? Is your classroom?? Believe it or not, much of the success the coming school year will depend on how you set up your classroom now. Discipline, organization, concentration and classroom management all hinge on a well planned classroom space. Whether you teach in a classroom, a theatre, or something in between, this is a PLC that will help you put your best space forward!

Assessment in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Claire Broome, Lindsay Johnson

A lot has changed in the classroom in the past few years, but one responsibility remains the same: You still need to assess your student’s work.  Assessment has always been a challenge in Theatre classes, but these days there are more challenges than ever when it comes to grading your students and their work.  So hop on to this PLC and join the conversation as we re-examine assessment in the Drama classroom. 

Top 5 DTA Independent Projects - and How to Execute

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price

As we work our way through pandemic teaching, we are hitting a few bumps along the way. One of the biggest hurdles facing teachers right now is absences. The extended absence of one, or more than one, student can drastically increase a teachers workload overnight.  That's when having access to some ready made distance learning materials can be a real lifesaver. And that's why the DTA has a ton of independent projects - appropriate, detailed, and easy to assign - ready when you need them.  In this PLC we are going to identify the top 5 Independent Projects in the DTA, and walk you though how to use them with your students.  You won't want to miss it!

Student Leadership

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Shelby Steege, Colin Oliver

Drama teachers often face a difficult dilemma: There are times when you need to be two or three places at once, and you need back up. But where can you turn for help? How about your class roster! Never underestimate the power of a dedicated student leader. By delegating duties and assigning responsibilities to your trusted students, you give yourself some breathing room, and you give them valuable leadership experience. Join us for this PLC on Student Leadership and set up your back up.
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