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AI in the Drama Classroom

Hosted by Matt Webster, Lindsay Price, Jessica McGettrick, Elizabeth Holbrook

Artificial Intelligence is here. In the past few years it has found its way into almost every corner of modern life - including the classroom.  However, important questions remain. Questions like: "Is there a place for AI in the classroom?" "Does that include the Drama classroom?"  and "What does AI in the Drama classroom look like?" These are just some of the questions we will tackle when you join us in this forward thinking PLC.  

A Pause for Pauses

Pauses serve a great purpose in theatre. What's not being said in that pause? Here's an acting exercise to use in rehearsal.

Location List

Use this list of locations for improv scenarios and scene work.

Self Reflection Sentence Starters

Sometimes all students need is a little push. Give students one of these self reflection sentence starters to get them going. You'll be amazed at what they write next.

Analysis and Exercise - Our Town

An Analysis and Exercise Guide to Thorton Wilder's play "Our Town."

Analysis and Exercise - A Streetcar Named Desire

An Analysis and Exercise guide to Tennessee Williams' play "A Streetcar Named Desire."

Analysis and Exercise - Death of a Salesman

An Analysis and Exercise Guide for Arthur Miller's "Death of A Salesman."

Be Amazing In Two Minutes Or Less

An audition guide for student actors. Covers choosing, preparing, and performing monologues. Plus - how to process feedback.

Emotions List

Do your students use the same emotions over and over again in scene work or in improvs? Get them used to expanding their feeling horizon with this list.

Objects List

Looking for new objects for students to use in improvs, mimes and scene work? This sheet has over 200 objects to choose from!
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